Sunday 6 October 2013

Twin Bands

As The Proclaimers consist of a bang with twins and coincidentally our "band" does to I researched on other bands that have twins also. This will enable me to understand the way in which different bands containing twins in them are different along with the type of genre.

After extensive research on different twin bands I have chosen a few that I found which contrast the type of "band" used for our music video and also in contrast to The Proclaimers.

Good Charlotte

Good Charlotte are an American pop punk band from Waldorf, Maryland that formed in 1996. Joel Rueben Madden and Benji Madden are twins of the band. Benji plays lead guitar and sings backing vocals whereas Joel is lead singer of the band. This band contrasts majorly from The Proclaimers mostly because the genre is pop punk/punk rock and The Proclaimers are folk rock. This is a good contrast in different types of rock which I found to be interesting to explore. Music video wise "Anthem" by Good Charlotte contains more fast cut montage than The Proclaimers "500 Miles" does. This is merely because Good Charlotte are a punk rock band their music will be much faster and more upbeat which calls for fast cut montage in their music video. Also the content within this music video is much different than of what The Proclaimers "500 Miles" is. Firstly because the mise-en-scene is completely different - costumes for example for Good Charlotte are associated with the rock/emo fashion.

Good Charlotte - Anthem

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